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Topside at night
when the north wind blows
foaming waves sling icy spray
to sting face, hands and toes.
Frozen fingers clutch the wheel,
Legs ache and tremble
fatigued from fighting
the unsteady heel.
On the pitching deck eyes water
searching for a familiar buoy,
a speck of land;
straining and squinting to see
through thick clouds and tumbling seas
a lighthouse flash
or spit of sand.
Topside the clock ticks dreadful slow
but even stagnant time, in time, will flow
and the watch get sent below.
Below a coal stove glows
burnishing the woody cabin gold.
Take a towel, damn the cold,
wipe water from your runny nose.

Below warm and dry
cocooned in oaken walls
we'll sip some rum
curse the winter and the waves
and dream of summer days to come.
Winter at the Helm.mp3
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